Meet Hayat: February 2024 Volunteer of the Month

Feb 13, 2024

(pictured above) Ironstone Farm February Volunteer of the Month, Hayat Hallee, with Jessica, the therapy pony

Congratulations to our volunteer of the month, Hayat Hallee! Hayat holds a special place in our Ironstone family, having been with us since she was six years old. Starting as a therapeutic rider in 2013, her passion for Ironstone Farm has only deepened over the years. Now, as a volunteer barn assistant, Hayat plays a crucial role in maintaining the well-being of our beloved horses. What sets Hayat apart is not just her outstanding work ethic but her unwavering warmth and genuine joy in being here. We’re immensely grateful for her contributions and the bright spirit she brings to Challenge Unlimited at Ironstone Farm!


How did you discover Ironstone Farm?

My older brothers used to ride at Ironstone Farm, so my mom knew all the farm and Challenge Unlimited. I’ve been riding in the program since I was around 6 years old. Now that I’m older, I decided to reach out to Ironstone Farm to get experience working with horses.

What is your fondest memory you have from volunteering?

My best memory is when I was participating in a horse show, and my horse (Oskar) opened the mailbox for me by nudging it open with his nose!

What does Ironstone Farm mean to you?

I love Challenge Unlimited because I feel like I can be myself. I’m comfortable around the farm and with all of the horses.

Thank you, Hayat, for exemplifying our mission and values in all you do!

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