People Living with Substance Abuse Disorder

Ironstone’s equine-assisted program for people living with substance use disorder offers a unique therapeutic experience for individuals living with substance use disorder (SUD) and/or alcohol use disorder (AUD). By working with horses, participants engage in a non-judgmental and supportive environment that fosters personal growth and future success.

  • Build trust and connection in a non-clinical setting
  • Develop emotional regulation and resilience
  • Increase self-awareness, confidence, and self-esteem
  • Experience stress relief and peace
  • Heal from past trauma and improve mental health
  • Sense of camaraderie from people with similar experiences and goals

Relapse is often a reality for those with SUD and AUD. By creating positive connections with our horses, equine-assisted therapy plants a seed of hope that happiness and joy are possible without the use of substances. Therefore, many people from the program find the strength to recommit to their recovery even if they stumble.

“For my patients, there’s a lot of noise in their head…the wreckage that they’ve made, how they’re going to fix it, if they’re going to stay sober, and what they’re going to do next. And, just ten minutes of silence in their heads is a gift, and I think that’s what they get when they’re here.”

- Krystin Quinn, Executive Director at Mayflower Recovery

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Support life-changing equine therapy that promotes healing and growth for children and adults.