A New Year’s message from our Executive Director

Jan 5, 2023

“Alone, we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

If you are anything like me, the new year is a time to reflect on the successes of the past year and plan and prepare for the year to come. In reflecting on my first 9 months at Ironstone Farm, my heart is so full – with pride for what we have accomplished, humility for what I have learned, and immense respect for the children, families, and adults we serve.

As a part of our Ironstone Family, you helped create a landmark year for our nonprofit. The most exciting accomplishment is the number of lives you changed in 2022. We welcomed over 200 therapeutic riders a week and a weekly average of 56 group participants in our equine-assisted therapy programs.

Throughout 2022 you helped us partner with over a dozen local nonprofits as we continue to combat the mental health crisis we are all facing. You supported us as we welcomed 5 local schools for children and young adults with disabilities and emotional challenges to help them start their new community-based programs.

You helped grow our partnerships with veteran and first responder organizations to provide hope and healing to over 200 veterans and first responders living with PTSD. You helped spearhead our new therapeutic programs for people living with addiction and brought joy, laughter, and a sense of normalcy to families affected by childhood cancer.

Not only did you offer financial support, but you also gave your time. 150 volunteers donated over 8,000 hours of service in 2022, saving the farm over $120,000 in labor costs.

While there is much to be thankful for, there is still much more work to be done. And so we look to 2023 and plan how we can make the greatest impact together.

With your support, our goal to serve 20% more riders a week will become a reality. We will focus our program growth to serve three areas of need: Veterans and First Responders living with PTSD, individuals, and families affected by cancer, and adults living with Alzheimer’s and dementia and their caregivers. We will begin to offer our first overnight retreats giving everyone that comes to the farm additional opportunity for respite and time to reflect and connect.

Thank you for all of the life-changing work we did together in 2022. I have tremendous excitement and enthusiasm for what lies ahead for us in 2023. Being a part of this incredible Ironstone family has taught me that together, anything and everything is possible.

2023, we are coming for you!

Kerri Whalen
Executive Director

Give the Gift of Healing

Support life-changing equine therapy that promotes healing and growth for children and adults.